曲阜融兴机械设备有限公司(原胡铺制罐厂, 成立于1992年)座落于"东方圣城"孔子故里--山东曲阜,东邻京福高速公路,西靠104国道一公里,327国道、日东高速公路、京沪高铁纵贯东西南北,交通便利、环境优雅、地理位置优越。
QuFuRongxing machinery CO., LTD. (formerly Hupu can factory, founded in 1992) is located in the "Oriental holy city" hometown of Confucius - qufu in Shandong,the east is beijing-fuzhou highway, the west 1 km far away is the 104 national road, 327 state road,east highway, the beijing-shanghai high-speed railway throughout the north and south, east and west, it has convenienttransportation,elegant environment, and Excellent geographical location.
It was established in 1992, a comprehensive private enterprises ,the leading products are various typ...[详细介绍]